Digital Source Direct

網站: www.productiveconsultants...
電話號碼: 905-826-8293
其它電話: 1-888-365-4706
傳真號碼: 905-826-0752
詳細地址: 6810 Kitimat Rd, Unit 4, Mississauga, ON
郵政代碼: L5N 5M2
市鎮: 米西索加
省區: 安大略省
在線地圖: 查看大圖
Web Directory No.LK-42809-5033
Digital Source Direct (DSD) is a leader in bringing state of the art digital video solutions to the security dealer network in Canada, the USA and abroad.

Its parent company, Productive Consultants Inc., has developed and provided video capture cards, drivers, applications and other interface peripheral products to the marketplace for over 11 years. Sales up until the launch of DSD were and also continue to be thru OEM and direct thru large national security organizations.

DSD strives to continue to review our offering and maintain the leading products for distribution, whether in-house developed or available from other leading manufacturers.

Please see our offerings below, specializing in the Digital Video Recorder (DVR) marketplace:

Stand Alone DVR Solutions
Lowcost Digital Recorders
PC Based DVR Solutions
DVR Solutions including capture card/software kits
Complete lines of video capture cards available and peripheral products for the DVR marketplace
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