JM Engineering & PMS - Alberta

電話號碼: 226-208-1113
詳細地址: 2415 28B Ave. NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
郵政代碼: T6T 2A4
市鎮: 埃德蒙頓
省區: 阿爾伯塔省
在線地圖: 查看大圖
Web Directory No.LK-65538-2588
We are professional engineers dedicated to producing work with high engineering standards. Customer satisfaction is our first priority.

We do ASME designs and detail engineering of piping, pressure vessels and heat-exchangers and possess extensive knowledge and experience in the field of design, engineering and fabrication. In addition, we have experience at shop level which makes us better designers as we keep all aspects of fabrication in mind.

Our expertise includes application CRN (Canadian Registration Number) for pressure vessels, heat-exchangers and piping in all provinces in Canada that include repair and alteration as well.
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