Elliott-Matsuura Canada Inc.

網站: www.elliottmachinery.com
電話號碼: 905-829-2211
傳真號碼: 905-829-5600
詳細地址: 2120 Buckingham Rd, Oakville, ON
郵政代碼: L6H 5X2
市鎮: 奧克維爾
省區: 安大略省
在線地圖: 查看大圖
Web Directory No.LK-19936-4370
Since 1950, Elliott has been supplying quality machine tools for the Canadian metal cutting industry - coast to coast. Your business is unique and the issues you deal with every day are complex. That is why Elliott offers not only the best equipment in its class, but also a multitude of services and solutions, developed in over 50 years of working with the best run businesses in our industry

Our product specialists are qualified to suggest advanced ways to CUT and MEASURE your parts. Our sales engineers are trained to review your needs and propose customized solutions.
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