Kenox Technologies Corporation

詳細地址: Oakville, Ontario
郵政代碼: L6K 3K4
市鎮: 奧克維爾
省區: 安大略省
在線地圖: 查看大圖
Web Directory No.LK-8793-6291
This business is permanently closed.

Kenox Technology Corporation (KTC) is a privately held Canadian company that owns a patented wastewater treatment technology that utilizes advanced “State-of-the-Art” wet air oxidation (WAO) known as the Kenox Process. The process treats and detoxifies a broad range of industrial effluents containing suspended and dissolved organic contaminants or other oxidizable material. The technology provides a viable alternative to other conventional treatment methods that may be too costly or not suitable. Kenox offers our customers feasibility studies, process design and/or basic engineering packages for the Kenox wastewater treatment process. Skid mounted, transportable or custom built packaged systems for wastewater or sludge treatment plants are also offered through our partnerships with leading international engineering and construction firms.
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