Active Media Services (Canada)

網站: www.activeinternational.c...
電話號碼: 416-226-8650
傳真號碼: 416-225-7375
詳細地址: 4100 Yonge Street, Suite 406, 4th Floor, Toronto, ON
郵政代碼: M2P 2B5
市鎮: 北約克
省區: 安大略省
在線地圖: 查看大圖
Web Directory No.LK-37304-3510
For 25 years, Active International has built its reputation on an unwavering commitment to creating sizable, lasting value for our clients.

We take seriously our role as a trusted and respected strategic partner. We work hard to maintain our position as a proven resource for helping clients maximize the economic value and return on their impaired assets, creating tailored programs which deliver strategic financial, marketing and operating solutions. We are proud of our rich history of delivering new and innovative solutions that anticipate our clients’ changing needs and exceed their expectations.

At Active, we believe in open, straightforward communications and have reinvented the corporate trade industry through adherence to the principles of transparency, productivity, and integrity. We also believe that we—Active’s executives and employees worldwide—have the most rewarding, interesting and enjoyable jobs on earth. We encourage you to get to know us and welcome your questions and comments.
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