Smart Movers Richmond

電話號碼: 236-266-5050
郵政代碼: V6X 3M1
市鎮: 列治文
省區: 不列顛哥倫比亞省
在線地圖: 查看大圖
Web Directory No.LK-707-6899
Smart Movers—The Best Moving Company In Richmond

As the 2020 Consumer’s Choice Award-Winning moving company, we take pride in giving you white-glove moving services.

Our staff is highly trained in the latest moving techniques, and are fully licensed, insured, and registered. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority, and we believe that our services should be as friendly as they are efficient. We treat your belongings as if they were our own and assign a manager to your move.

Use our services in Richmond for the best moving experience delivered by a moving company with 20 plus years of experience.

All of our workers are friendly, fully trained, have many years of experience dealing with all types of moving, and are familiar working with the latest moving equipment. We employ only the best and are proud to be an equal opportunity employer.
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