Ontario Association of Art Galleries

網站: www.oaag.org
電話號碼: 416-598-0714
傳真號碼: 416-598-4128
詳細地址: 111 Peter Street, Suite 125, Toronto, ON, Canada
郵政代碼: M5V 2H1
市鎮: 多倫多
省區: 安大略省
在線地圖: 查看大圖
Colleges and Universities
Schools and Educational Services
Web Directory No.LK-46785-8154
OAAG is a registered charitable organization. Established in 1968, OAAG was incorporated in Ontario by letters patent on October 9, 1970. The Charitable Objects from the Letters Patent are:

• To encourage co-operation between member galleries and museums
•To encourage cooperation with the Ontario Arts Council and similar agencies
•To assist in the development of visual art centres in the province of Ontario
•To promote high standards of excellence and uniform methods in the care and presentation of art
•To serve as an advisory body in matters of professional interest in the province of Ontario.

Our Vision
•To be a vital and effective advocate for Ontario's dynamic public art galleries, serving and representing our members across the province as valued and essential centres of art and learning.

Our Mission
•To serve and represent Ontario's public art galleries as valued, essential, cultural and educational resources
•To actively advocate for Ontario's public art galleries
•To promote dialogue and collaboration among OAAG members
•To build and support responsive relationships between Ontario's public art galleries and the public, volunteers, cultural trustees, granting agencies, government and media
•To encourage the highest standards for the care, preservation and presentation of the visual arts within Ontario's public art galleries
•To promote art gallery and cultural work as valuable professions
• To recognize and celebrate excellence in the work of Ontario's public art galleries
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