Majian Furniture in Toronto

電話號碼: 416-492-5560
傳真號碼: 416-492-3412
詳細地址: 47 WELLESBOURNE CRES, NORTH YORK, ON (To the north of Donmills/Mcnicoll)
郵政代碼: M2H 1Y8
市鎮: 北約克
省區: 安大略省
在線地圖: 查看大圖
Web Directory No.LK-60478-2217
"Majian"is a world famous furniture brand. We have exported 10 million US dollars of furniture products to North America and Europe from China since last year. There are over 600 workers working in our factory in three shifts every day in order to meet the rapid increasing demand of our products from domestic market and other eight foreign countries. The brand of our furniture is "Majian". It means "strong horse" in Chinese. "Majian" brand furniture is famous for it's high quality, low price and outstanding service.
Now, our Toronto agent is promoting our special priced products in the east part of North America. We really hope you could enjoy this series of high quality and surprisingly low priced products.
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