Stoakley-Dudley Consultants Ltd.

電話號碼: 905-821-3455
其它電話: 1-888-226-6685
傳真號碼: 905-821-3467
詳細地址: 6503B Mississauga Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
郵政代碼: L5N 1A6
市鎮: 米西索加
省區: 安大略省
在線地圖: 查看大圖
Web Directory No.LK-49147-5674
Our recruiters specialize by industry. They are experts on market conditions relating to personnel requirements. By getting to know (and maintaining contact with) key individuals in academia, private groups, and companies, our recruiters can provide insights regarding the supply of personnel in specific areas - and spot trends as they develop.

We open doors - opportunities you might otherwise never hear of. With over 100 years of experience, we have a nationwide network of clients, professional contacts and friends.

Our extensive resources multiply individual efforts many times. We often "create" new opportunities with clients who have come to value our recommendations. We maintain a database of over 100,000 experienced candidates. Our recruiters are persistent, thorough, and merit their reputation for professionalism, integrity, commitment, and positive results.

Three decades of selecting and preparing personnel has taught us how to help you avoid pitfalls - and tilt the odds in your favour. We will facilitate the entire process and provide a channel for communication. We also provide sound advice during compensation negotiations.

Our staff currently includes three Certified Personnel Consultants, two Licenced Professional Engineers, and three Consultants who have earned their “Quality Circle of Excellence” designation – your assurance of a high degree of ethics, professionalism and technical competence
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