TTC Insurance Company Limited

電話號碼: 416-393-3879
傳真號碼: 416-338-0125
詳細地址: 1900 Yonge St, Toronto, ON
郵政代碼: M4S 1Z2
市鎮: 多倫多
省區: 安大略省
在線地圖: 查看大圖
Travel Trailers and Campers
Travel Agencies
Business Services
Membership Sports and Recreation Clubs
Web Directory No.LK-54832-5983
TTC Insurance Company Limited was incorporated on March 9, 1994 under the Ontario Corporations Act and is a subsidiary of Toronto Coach Terminal Inc. ("TCTI"), with its ultimate parent company being the Toronto Transit Commission. The TTC is one of the agencies, boards and commissions of the City of Toronto.

The Company provides insurance coverage for compulsory automobile personal injury and accident benefit claims for the TTC.
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